To the Light Bringer

About the Site

This is a devotional site for Lucifer, the Light Bringer and Morning Star. It intends to shed some light on him and challenge the perspective of him being evil, Satan or the Devil.

This site is written by and maintained by devotee of Lucifer's.

Hail to Lucifer, the Light Bringer and Morning Star!

About the Devotee

My name's Tay. I'm in my 30s and been Pagan for roughly 16 years (and a witch for about 10 years). Given the god I work with, my path has strong Luciferian [and some Satanic] leanings. If you're at all curious about what I like in my day to day life, well... it's not that interesting.

I like arts and crafts (and draw often), reading various mythologies and/or studying different religions, playing video games or watching Youtube (or any streaming services, really) in my down time. That's really it.. I'm just an artsy nerd.
